Hello! I am David. Like the great king of Israel, my most fervant desire is to serve God, to be a man after His heart. Although, I am from Arlington, Texas (smile when you say that), I live in Cleveland, TN with my dogs Tobias (Toby) and Molly Mae McDill. (I intend to post pictures of the later.) Toby is content to lay by me and be a dog. Molly is always looking for a way to outsmart me. The scary part is that sometimes, she does! Click the husky for the story of Tasha! I am the director of The Torah's Light Jewish-Catholic Research and Learning Center--an apostalate teaching the Jewishness of the Christian faith. Through the the Holy Spirit, We are committed to presenting to interested Christians and Jews the case that Yeshua is Moshiach and to educating Christians concerning the relevance of Judaism in their Walk with G-d. My hobbies include baking, collecting buttons, writing poetry, and building computers. My favorite hobby is Amateur Radio. I hold an Amateur Extra License and my Call is NF8W. I hang out on 20 meters and on the 2 meter repeater 147.180. If your a ham...Gimme a call sometime. In 1983, I was traveling through Arkansas from Dallas, TX to Dayton, OH. At a rest stop north of Little Rock, I saw a man dragging a screaming boy, I thought he was only disobedient. A few weeks later in Dayton, I saw his picture on a milk carton. Yes, I called the "800" number, but two weeks had passed! Today, we have the benefit of the amber alert. To support it, I carry it on my website. Please pay attention to any alerts you might see. Also, if you have a website, please carry it on yours. The code is free.